Not yet gone!
I'm afraid I won't be able to properly keep up with this blog till after New Year though. I'm going to make some real commitments into getting me some more free time and all. But now I'm knitting on a few Christmas gifts like crazy (luckily I'm not at home at Christmas, we are going on a 5 days trip to Germany - I first didn't want to go till I thought about all the yarn shops over there, so I made my boyfriend promiss we would at least go shopping one day! :D) and I think I'll never make it. After that I'm hoping to make a few things for myself, though I have 3 orders going. The following :
- fingerless gloves (I will be paid for these)
- felted hat (for my fave LYS, got the yarn for free but of course won't be really paid)
- lace scarf (same as above)
Once those are finished, I'm off to things for myself! Have to say I think I'll be enjoying the scarf and gloves. Might enjoy the hat.
Anyway, I must thank my SP6! I got my lovely last gift last week : a pack of 4 balls of lovely wool (will become a scarf + matching hat for me!!!) and a Filati pattern mag. Love it so much! My pal also revieled herself! It's Eva from Pappardele and she's from the Czech Republic! That's so close! It's just wonderful to meet people quite close by who like knitting just like me!
As for my SP, or at least the one I'm pampering, well, I'm so late with my package and now my pal is on a months trip to India, so I agreed on mailing it at the end of the month. I feel awful for having to let her wait. I'll reveal who she is over the weekend!
My LYS asked me to give knitting lessons! Imagine, me giving knitting lessons! *grin* I'm not sure yet as I don't have much time right now and I'm not sure I'm the right person. The person who used to give the lessons is ill now and she can't knit. She also recently lost her father and now her MIL is really ill, so I guess she won't be back any time soon. It's kind of strange, I don't want to take her job really.
Ok, ok, there is so much more to tell, like the new spinning wheel I'll be getting! But I'm off to bed now ,I'm so so tired! And I should stay up whole night to knit really. But well, more over the weekend, and I'm back for regular posts after the New Year! Don't give up on me yet!!! :D
Don't worry - we are all the same!
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