Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Some quick words

Ok, ok, I really haven't been around. I have posts in my mind, and I want to talk about things, but I never come around typing them. It's really a matter of a few things.

First there is my low energy level. Feels like I'm back to point one where I have no energy at all during the day. I go to work (well, not my actual job, but it's hard physical work, which is kinda ok 'cause I became to lazy at my previous job) and in the evening I'm so tired. Yesterday I slept on the cough at 7.30. Woke up about 30 minutes later to watch ER and managed to stay up most of the evening though I didn't get much knitting done. :(

Secondly I'm trying desperately to finish up those damn wrist warmers I promissed my mom for the theater. I have 5 finished pairs, and 2 pairs on the needles. If I finish those I have a total of 7 and I need 11 pairs. I really might just go to the store and buy the remaining 4 pairs. I'm just to sick and tired of knitting them. Can't help it, but it's so boring and well, the part that I have to give them away to people who don't really appreciate them doesn't really make it easier. What would you do? Oh, and I miss knitting socks!

As for knitting, I'm trying to squeeze in the Olympic knitting. I have about 3 more repeats of the body pattern to go at my Kiri shawl, and then the edging. I should make it, if nothing to bad happens. I plan on knitting at least one pattern repeat tomorrow evening, and hopefully the rest on Friday and Saturday, as there won't be any knitting time on Sunday.

Apart from that there are really quite a few patterns I want to start knitting for myself, but there are still so many things I need to knit for others that I will need at least another month! *grr*

Well, end of next week we'll have the perfomances of the teather, that means I'll be rid of that stuff but Monday in a week. Yay!! I'm really happy about that!

Now I'm less excited about the weekend. We have to gigs with the cavalry band (band + horses). One is here in Belgium about an hour away (with the truck that is). That's ok, though last year it was freezing cold and snowing, and it's a boring as hell trip so I'm not to excited. That one is on Sunday, reducing my last day of Olympic knitting to nothing. Then on Monday we're headed to Germany for "RosenMontag" (correct me here if I'm writing this wrong), which is basically carneval. Now know that I hate carneval! I'm really not fond of it, not even here in Belgium and I try to avoid it at all causes. Plus it's so far away that it's driving me crazy. Anyway, I just hate having to go out for 2 days. I really should just quit the whole band as I don't really enjoy it anymore, but hey, I'm to scary for that, I don't want to dissapoint people really.

That being said, it'll be a hell of a week and be sure I won't be around then. I'm hoping to pick up a few things after that week, including starting the search for a new job. I have been enjoying my time off, but I have to be realistic and start looking 'cause time will go faster then I think.

I am planning on giving a review of all the podcasts I like and all that stuff. Well, not really a review. But there are a fiew things I want to write about especially after reading some quite negative comments about a few podcasts. Seriously, if you don't like them, just leave it. Nobody sais you have to listen to them. You don't have to pay for them, so it's no loss. And the people making them are investing their free time and this, trying to make something they like. That being said, don't take this personal as you have the right to your own opinion and I'm not pointing fingers at all. This is just my opinion!

Oh well, it's to bed for me now. Boyfriend has been wining, and actually I'm rather tired myself so I can better take a good nights rest. I'll be back, I'll try before the weekend with some pictures and so! Oh, and I'm planning a little contest, so if you are reading this blog, keep your eyes open!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Em! A contest? Really? hmmm... I'll have to stay tuned! Hope your box arrives soon.

12:07 AM  

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