Saturday, February 04, 2006


First of all, I'm closing down the vote for the knitting olympics, with only about a week to go till the opening ceremony.

And the winner is .....

KIRI !!!

Yep, It got 4 votes. Both the Lovely Laces and the Snowdrop shawl got 3 votes, and non for Daisy. Now I'll be knitting all for these shawls in time, but well, maybe Kiri is a good thing to start if I actually want to finish this, knowing how busy my month will be!

I just have to decide on the colour, it's either black or eggplant. We'll see, depends on my mood really! No green though for me, would never wear that!

Anyway, I have been knitting, but on those wrist-warmers/fingerless mitts for the theater thing. I've finished 3 pair so far, busy on the 4th pair. That's only 8 more to go. Yikes! I need to kick ass here! No pictures though, they would only just look black.

Of course I've been knitting on a few other projects. I really want to finish up all my projects/need to do's soon. Like, the end of March? I would say the end of February, but won't make that. Why? Because it's just to busy. Plus there are to many projects.

Now I want to finish and then I want to be able to knit some stuff for myself. Like a lot of socks! And a few sweaters maybe, and more. Lace shawls. I don't know.

Oh, and spinning! I want to spin more! Here is what I finished on my new wheel!

The first picture is just before blocking, the other one is while blocking (don't look at the background, it's an old pillow case from my grandmother I'm using to spin my yarn in the machine). I still have to improve so much. This yarn looks great to me, but there's still so much I need to work on! All my singles are much overtwisted! Plus I'm not very stable. It's thick and thin. The thickness of the yarn is really nice though, this is about fingering weight! I can't wait to spin more for socks and shawls and such! And maybe there's some laceweight in my future! ;D

I've ordered quite some yarn and roving online. I want to knit the socks for the KAL I'm in (all but the one for the SixSocksKAL, that's a beaded one and I'm surely not into beads on socks!). Plus I want to knit a hat for myself! I'll talk more about this later, it's really time for me to go to bed!


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